Best Podcasts for New Moms: Nutrition Edition
Best Podcasts for New Moms: Nutrition Edition
by Beth Dunlap, Registered Dietitian Nutritionist, Certified Diabetes Care & Education Specialist and author of "Feeding Kids 101: A Parent's Guide" on Sept. 10, 2023
When it comes to finding the best information for you and your little one, it’s best to turn to the experts. But who are the experts when it comes to nutrition?
Did you know in less than 10 weeks and under $1000, anyone can become a Nutrition Coach or Nutritionist. Whereas, a Registered Dietitian Nutritionist has undergone a 4-year College Degree Program, an internship, & passed a National Exam.
The Podcasts recommendations are all by qualified expert Registered Dietitian Nutritionist. When it comes to feeding young children, other qualified experts can include Occupational Therapist and Speech Therapist.

#1 The Nourished Child by Jill Castle a Registered Dietitian. Pediatric Nutritionist, author and mom @the.nourished.child
The Nourished Child Podcast is packed full of incredibly helpful information for the new mother. With a variety of guests and topics covered, you will fill more prepared as your little one transitions from nursing or bottle to solid foods and navigating the selective eating phase.
#2 Veggies & Virtue by Ashley Smith – Registered Dietitian Nutritionist and a Christian mom @veggiesandvirtue
While a new mother is not packing lunches for school right now, the saying, "the days are long but the years are short" is so true with childhood. You will soon find yourself in the days of packing lunches. Ashley has you covered with Back to School and Snacking Tips.
#3 Sound Bites – A nutrition Podcast with award-winning Registered Dietitian Nutritionist Melissa Joy Dobbins, the Guild-Free RD @melissajoyrd
While this podcast is not focused on nutrition for kids, it is a reliable source of information on nutrition. Melissa Joy Dobbins, RD covers a variety of nutrition topics with her expert guests. In the day of everyone providing their opinion and advise on social media with nutrition, Sound Bites provides expert coverage in Nutrition and your Health.
#4 The Messy Intersection: Pregnancy, Motherhood, and Feeding Our Kids by Diana Rice, Registered Dietitian Nutritionist
Follow Diana Rice, RDN on Instagram where she focuses on helping your family eat well & reject diet culture through intuitive eating and responsive feeding.
#5 Growing Intuitive Eaters by Dr. Taylor Arnold, Nutrition PhD, Kids dietitian and mom @growing.intuitive.eaters
About Dr. Arnold: I am a pediatric dietitian and nutrition PhD passionate about supporting parents in their journeys to prevent and reverse picky eating, support intuitive eating practices in their kids and teens, and instilling body positivity. I believe in the importance of using science and evidence-based medicine in my nutrition practice, and I believe that all bodies can be healthy regardless of their size.
#6 Nutrition for Littles with Alyssa Miller, Registered Dietitian, mom of two & dedicated to helping you raise healthy, happy, and independent eaters @nutrition.for.littles
Alyssa is focused on providing you the tools to help make mealtimes less stressful and helping you guide your little as they learn and grow with food.
#7 One Real Good Thing with renowned nutritionist and chef Ellie Krieger dives into one thing you can do today to propel your life in a healthier direction. @elllie.krieger
Tune in to hear how small changes that you can stick with can help transform your and your family's health for the better. Listen as Ellie shares the one "real good" thing and invites celebrity guests and friends to the conversation of the one good thing.
#8 The Food Heaven Podcast with Wendy & Jess, RDs, CDCES. Health & wellness website. Dietitians exploring the intersections of health & wellness through a social justice lens @foodheavemadeeasy
While they have stopped recording their podcast to focus on new projects, there are 7 years of past episodes covering a variety of topics related to your health & nutrition.